"When it's for you, the Lord will give it in a way that you don't have to force it."

When I was in elementary school, I knew what course I wanted to take and the reason why I wanted to take it. When I was about to enter high school, I became more passionate about my dream because I saw many people who had success because they were in the food industry. When my parents asked what I planned to study in college, I said culinary arts. I knew it was pricey, but I want to give it a shot because that is what I want and where my heart belongs. 
When I was entering senior high school, I asked myself again if culinary arts was what I want because it was so expensive. I then hesitated whether to choose TVL or HUMSS. I asked  Lord for a sign to continue with my dreams, but he gave me a sign to take the course in education. Education is my second choice. Teaching is also one of my dreams because my family is made up of teachers. That's the route I took in senior high then when I started college at Cavite State University, I decided to pursue a bachelor's degree in secondary education with a major in mathematics, recognizing that culinary arts was not for me. Despite numerous warnings to turn back, I knew that this was the path that the Lord had chosen for me.


  1. Impressive content and I hope from this blog that you will have a chance to pursue what you love to do in the future. Keep fighting and striving for what you desire.

  2. Loooovvveeeee what you pursued. Little by little you'll realize why God put you there. The children's smiles are worth it. The passion to let them know about one of the hardest subjects is worth it. Soon you'll be one of the brightest stars that the kids would be lucky to have. Congratulations future teacher

  3. The Culinary maybe your dream course but God knows where you will foster and strive more and that is in Education. Although the road maybe bumpy and muddy always heads up on everything! I, your friend will always be rooting for your success in this field your taking!

  4. Culinary maybe your dream course but God knows where you will foster and strive more and that is in education. Although the road is bumpy and muddy always heads up on everything! I, your friend will be always rooting for your success in this field you're taking!


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